What price a headache?

“Save money,” they say.  “It’s easy,” they say.  “Anyone can do it,” they say.  On the face of it, ‘they’ appear to have a point.  On the face of it!  Scratch the Investment Property surface however and there’s a whole untold story behind those glib statements.

Time is Money

At Stills Properties we get it – property investors want to make money, not spend it.  But how valuable is your time?  The old adage ‘time is money’ never rang more true than when it comes to managing your own investment property, because how much of your family time are you prepared to commit to:

* Dealing with late-paying tenants?
* Evicting a bad tenant?
* Finding a new tenant when the current one leaves?
* Performing regular property inspections?
* Organising necessary repairs?
* Keeping up-to-date with applicable legislation?

None of these are 5-minute jobs.  None of them are optional – they must be done and done correctly or you could find yourself breaking the law.  Some of them are simply time-consuming – maybe you can live with that.  Others can be considered unpleasant – can you live with those?  Most importantly, what price would you put on your own and your family’s peace-of-mind?

Who needs the hassle?

How soon before you’re fed-up with the headache of collecting your own rent?  How quickly will you tire of keeping on top of routine maintenance, never mind the emergencies demanding immediate attention regardless of what else you have on your plate?  Would the prospect of enforcing an eviction give you sleepless nights?  Putting a professional buffer between yourself and managing your investment property saves time and reduces stress.

Stills Properties does precisely that: gives you back your life and restores your peace-of-mind by bringing many years’ expertise and professionalism to managing your investment property.  We’re not just professional property managers, we’re property investors too – like you.  We’ve learned all the lessons – many of them the hard way – so you don’t need to.

We are up-to-date with the legislation.  Our network of tried and trusted tradespeople handles regular and emergency maintenance and repairs.  Maintaining a strict schedule of inspections ensures your property is being looked after in accordance with the lease.  Staying on top of late payers and issuing appropriate warnings keeps you in compliance with your legal responsibilities.  We can, and have, gone through the entire process of evicting bad tenants to protect our clients’ investment.

Get professional

Stills Properties has been managing properties for over 35 years and currently has millions of dollars worth of property under management.

We understand owners.  We understand tenants.  We’re passionate about our role in helping investors throughout Sydney maximise the potential of their investment, with minimum stress.

You can’t lose!

Your property and your tenants will thank you for having Stills Properties professionally manage your investment…and you’ll sleep easier without the hassles.
Love us, or leave us!  Try our service for 90 days and if you’re not satisfied we’ll return your property management fees and cancel our agreement.  You’ve nothing to lose and so much to gain.

Contact Brigitte Stills at Stills Properties on 0419 426 038 for full details on how cost-effective peace-of-mind can be.


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Sydney Real Estate Agencies Consulting